CMB Solutions
The company’s engineers’ long experience with very different markets, clients and local conditions has let them acquire a know-how which suits the most stringent requirements in terms of plant capital and operating costs, environment protection and pollution control, automation and computerized operation.
CMB Engineering
CMB with years of experience has developed a high level automation system.
CMB Technology
High technology and high quality guarantee excellent success of the project.
CMB Services
CMB Services in accordance with technical/economic evaluation to plant start-up.
CMB Network
Our representative offices and more than 1,700 units installed all over the world.
Mission & Vision
CMB has more than 60 years of experience in Oils & Fats industry. The immense know-how has allowed today to chair a leading position on the market. Industrial processes for edible oils, oleochemical and biodiesel are at the forefront of technology.
CMB has more than 60 years of experience in Oils & Fats industry. The immense know-how has allowed today to chair a leading position on the market. Industrial processes for edible oils, oleochemical and biodiesel are at the forefront of technology. The internal R&D department keeps constantly updated and improved the guarantees of finished products minimizing the utilities consumption. The added value is the constant growth of low environmental impact (zero effluent). The continuous attention to the improvements reduce the investment costs and the amortization time.
Oilseed Preparation
Optimization of seeds for extraction, through processes like cracking, flaking, cooking-conditioning and pre-pressing.
Oil Extraction
Top level technologies and processes to obtain excellent vegetable oils through cold pressing and solvent extraction.
Oils & Fats Refining
Processes to obtain the best products reducing to a minimum the requirements of energy and bleaching earths, floor area and labor.
High quality oleochemical processes including fat splitting, fatty acids distillation and fractionation.
Technologies and products particularly efficient in the biodiesel and biofuel production, obtained from renewable sources.
Special Plant
Design and realization of tailor-made plants, following every kind of customized production needs of customers.
Our partners
Notre groupe sociétaire confirme sa pleine satisfaction sur la bonne exécution de l’unité fournie par CMB et sur l’assistance reçue. Les résultats obtenus sont bien conformes aux spécifications techniques du contrat.
MR. Jaouad, Les Huileries du Souss –
Once again we have carried out a successful startup operation with your help and guidance. It was a smooth operation and reached premium product quality at the end in short time. It is the result of succesfull engineering and design work, combined with good cooperation and skilled labor at site during all stages of building the business . I thank you all and CMB Management on behalf of our Board of Directors, that once again CMB Company was proven to be the best and most reliable technology provider in our business.
Selkuk Borovali, DB Tarimsal –
Our organisation Industria Las Flores is one of the biggest producer of crude palm oil in Colombia. Refining and Biodiesel plant have been installed by CMB and we are fully satisfied with the plant performances.
Carlos Murgas, Oleoflores S.A. –
La “Carapelli Firenze Spa” dichiara piena soddisfazione per la fornitura delle garanzie contrattuali.
Nicola Pellero, Deoleo –
Our Numbers
Last News
CMB Glycerine Distillation & Refining
INTRODUCTION: what is the glycerine distillation & refining process Glycerine is technically a by-product created during the process of obtaining fatty acids or biodiesel. To… Read More
Vegetable Oil Refinery: CMB for the Verborg Group Plant
CMB is glad to announce the completion of another start-up of a Vegetable Oil Refinery in northern Netherlands. The innovative and visionary Client is the Verborg Group.… Read More
CMB started up a new IIG Biodiesel distillation production plant in Europe
Over the past few weeks, CMB started up one of the largest IIG Biodiesel distillation production plant currently existing in Europe. The company - leader… Read More