ReD activities and process optimization CMB

R&D Activities & Process optimizations developed by the CMB Team

R&D activities and process optimizations, developed by the CMB team in the last few years, have been a matter of pride and satisfaction for us, not only for the publication of our technical articles in international reference magazines, but also for the interest awakened in our industrial sector.

The Research topics on the agenda in our sector, in fact, are numerous and directly impact not only on the industrial results of profitability and productivity, but, above all,on the everyday quality of life of all of us. Only as an example, two key applications for our R&D :

  • second generation biofuels and their impact on the sustainable transport debate, not only confined to electric mobility…
  • reducing 3MCPD and Glycidyl Esters (GE) potentially risky for human health as genotoxic and carcinogenic, to comply with the rules of EFSA (European Food Safety Authority ) regarding food security..

Here at CMB, we believe that the role of R&D in industry is essential to contribute in the best possible way to the development of a truly sustainable economy by increasing business potentialities and we are committed every day to give our contribution