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Enzymatic Biodiesel


In the last decades the biodiesel energy resource has become increasingly important in view of the shift to green fuels.

Countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia, the world’s largest palm oil producers, aim to replace fossil fuels with palm-based biodiesel. In these countries, the great advantage in biodiesel production is mostly represented by the huge availability of raw material directly on site, thus with practically zero transport costs and an extremely short supply chain. This starting point makes Malaysian and Indonesian producers highly competitive in the market, being biodiesel nowadays a commodity.

On the other hand, European Countries are focusing more on replacing vegetable oil with low-grade feedstocks, as required by the European Community’s RED (Renewable Energy Directory).

The RED mandate, indeed, provides for mandatory blending of biodiesel into diesel and the biodiesel produced from wastes and residues is at a premium: i.e. double counting, one kg counts as two. In addition, it has to be taken into account that the RED does not consider palm-based biodiesel to be valid for meeting the mandate, in order to avoid deforestation.


The conversion of classical transesterification plants to use low grade feedstocks, as well as the necessity to have a wider range of feedstocks for each plant, has led to an increase CAPEX for such technologies.

In this scenario, the enzymatic process  is a really valuable alternative to glycerolysis and acid esterification, for high-acidity materials.

Being able to transform even high-acid feedstocks into biodiesel,  the enzymatic process makes the plant much more flexible and even profitable.

Low grade feedstocks – such as used cooking oils, animal fats, POME, acid oils, etc. –  

are becoming always more important, as well as the technologies to process them. Enzymatic esterification is probably the most interesting, since it can accept materials of any acidity, and it is a process that operates at a low temperature, avoiding the losses that are inevitable with high temperature process, as glycerolysis is.

Furthermore, enzymes are and are not chemically aggressive as mineral acids and do not require special construction materials. Even the conversion is better, compared to catalysts as mineral acids.

Finally, this process turns wastes into raw-materials, adding significant value to resources what would – otherwise – be considered only as waste, potentially harmful to the environment and expensive to dispose of.


Conventional transesterification process is still the most economical solution for virgin oils, but as the market rules have changed due to the need to replace the vegetable oil to keep it for the food market, new plants are mostly designed to handle low grade feedstocks.

The processes to be used for biodiesel production are based on two principles:

  • Conversion of the fatty acids to glycerides with the addition of glycerine and subsequent production of biodiesel in a conventional transesterification plant;
  • Conversion of fatty acids directly into biodiesel either with an inorganic strong acid catalyst or with an enzyme as a catalyst.

Enzymatic biodiesel has overcome most of the problems of the esterification, by taking a different approach:

  • Enzymes transform even high-acid feedstocks into biodiesel by converting triglycerides and fatty acids into methylesters, in one homogeneous reaction;
  • The reaction is conducted under mild conditions, to allow the enzyme to properly process the feedstocks;

In summary, enzymatic biodiesel proves to be more profitable, easier to produce even close to the markets that require it most, and less impactful from an environmental point of view, making it also financially sustainable.


CMB offers all the processes described above, being reliant on the success of its proven technology.

The choice depends on the specific Client’s needs and site conditions.

Usually, in presence of an existing transesterification plant to be improved, it may be preferred to opt for a pretreatment type plant, to upgrade the existing complex.

This is also a service provided successfully by CMB in many plants worldwide.

In the case of a new plant – instead – very often the choice falls on an enzymatic unit, for the following reasons:

  • Wide range of raw materials can be used;
  • Higher yield compared with robust pretreatments needed for the classic transesterification;
  • CAPEX;

CMB is currently working on several enzymatic plants, confirming once again how its expertise is always able to lead the business into the future.

CMB know-how, together with its cutting-edge technology enable the Company to perfectly define with the Client the most suitable solution for his specific needs. Not only from a technical point of view, but also from an economic and operational perspective, to increase the global competitiveness of the business. CMB systems are fully adaptive to the business objectives.

Get in touch with CMB for a smart consult, and we’ll find the way to make your business more profitable!